For my talk at Magento Live UK, I wanted to share the following slides for people who were interested to download them for future reference. Similarly, there are two resources mentioned in the presentation I thought I’d share here:
1. The Magento Checkout Grader – it visits your site, adds a product to cart, goes to checkout, grades it and tells you how to improve. No more abandoned carts – yes to people completing the whole process as intended! Sign up to get access when it’s ready.
2. Similarly, but for mobile specifically: Get The Mobile Checkout Worksheet – Find mobile-specific opportunities to improve your checkout and save more sales from cart abandonment!
Beyond my talk, I had a great time networking with folks and even had the privilege of speaking to the extremely approachable and friendly CEO of Magento – Mark Lavelle – in this interview.
The feedback from the talk was very positive, including this lovely quote on iWeb’s MLUK write-up, which I just found:
“Next, we headed to a really popular talk led by Gabriel Goldenberg of Gabriel really owned the room and gave some hard-hitting truths on when companies redesign when they don’t have a good enough reason to. So why should you redesign? Only for huge changes. He also showed us some interesting and disastrous case studies where big changes were implemented without taking advantage of CRO.” (Written by Rebecca Troth.)
There’s a lot more to getting a redesign on your ecommerce store right than what I could share in the limited time I had. If you want a hand with improving your own store, please email me: with your site, your needs and your budget.
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